Final Paper Uploading Procedure

- Download and Fill the IEEE Copyright form,, the conference name is MobiSecServ 2016
- Scan the copyright form and send it to the chair
- Go to to Pdf-Express site
- Create an account with the conference ID 37761x
- Convert your paper to the pdf format
- Download the pdf paper to the EDAS website

All papers MUST be signed by Pdf-Express fot the IEEE Xplore storage

The deadline for Full/Short submission and registration is January 24th 2016

The deadline for Full/Short submission and registration has been extended to January 29th 2016

The deadline for Posters/Works in Progress submission and registration has been extended to February 3rd 2016

Here is the link for registration

Authors Instructions

The conference welcomes five classes of paper formats, which will be presented in dedicated sessions.

- Regular research papers.

- Short work-in-progress (WIP) papers.

- Posters papers.

- Demonstration papers.

- Industry abstracts are limited to two (2) pages

Paper Format

Authors are strongly encouraged to use the IEEE templates for their initial submission.

The IEEE template is available from this link :, US letter format

According to the IEEE format paper maximum lengths are the following

- Regular research papers are limited to five (5) pages

- Work-in-progress papers are limited to two (2) pages

- Poster papers are limited to two (2) pages

- Demonstration papers are limited to two (2) pages

- Industry abstracts are limited to two (2) pages

Authors should indicate in the paper the selected format:
Regular reseach paper, Work-in-progress paper, Poster paper, Demonstration paper, Industry abstract.

The submission links for EDAS are the following

Full/Short Papers:

Posters/Works in Progress Papers:


MobiSecServ Conference