MobiSecServ 2017 - Third Conference On Mobile And Secure Services, 11-12 February 2017

Conference Venue: Carillon Hotel, 6801 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33141, USA

IEEE Conference ID 39776

Papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library
ISBN: 978-1-5090-3632-5
Part Number: CFP17RAC-ART

Full and Short Papers deadline: November 14th 2016 November 28th 2016
The submission link for EDAS is the following

Works in Progress deadline: November 28th 2016
The submission link for EDAS is the following

Previous Conferences

The second MobiSecServ was held in February 2016 at the Gainesville University, see the conference website

The first MobiSecServ was held in February 2015 at the Gainesville University, see the conference website
A video of MobiSecServ 2015 is available at this link

An early version of MobiSecServ was organized in February 2014 at the Gainesville University, see the workshop website
A video of this previous event is available at this link

About the University of Florida and Telecom ParisTech

The University of Florida (UF) is a major, public, comprehensive, land-grant, research university. With more than 50,000 students, UF is now one of the largest universities in the nation. UF has a 2,000-acre campus and more than 900 buildings (including 170 with classrooms and laboratories).

Telecom ParisTech is an international and multidisciplinary French research centre for digital technology, which combines disciplinary expertise at the highest level and a unique capacity for a cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary approach across all the sectoral areas in direct response to the socio-economic issues of the digital revolution. Research at Telecom ParisTech relies on 172 faculty members, 14 engineers and technicians,  70 post-PhDs, 60 visiting scientists, 285 PhD students, producing an average of 625 international publications and 20 patents. The contractual turnover is about 10.8M€.

Draft Agenda

Conference Location
Mangrove Meeting Room, 2nd level
Carillon Hotel, 6801 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33141, USA

Saturday February 11th 2017

8h45- Breakfast (Mangrove Room)

9h45-10h15: IoT, Big (Input) Data, and Learning Complexity?
Pr Selwyn Piramuthu - University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA

The Internet of Things (IoT) comprises objects that have the ability to communicate with other objects that are ultimately connected to the Internet.
A majority of IoT objects in use at the moment are RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) tags. These tags generate a large amount of data due to their real-time communication ability as well as the amount of data generated during each such communication instance.
The availability of such rich real-time data is unprecedented in a large number of these applications.
While it is nice to have access to such data, it is even more important to be able to process that data for actionable intelligence. Scalability is a significant issue that is faced by learning algorithms that are used in all Big Data applications. We discuss some steps that can be taken to preprocess the data in order to reduce its complexity, and thereby improve ease of learning/analysis.

Selwyn Piramuthu is Professor of Information Systems at the University of Florida, where he has taught since Fall 1991.
Over the years, he has had several visiting appointments at other universities and research institutions.
His research interests include IoT and machine learning.

10h30-11h00: Towards Secure Bitcoin Trading, Designing Secure Elements For Digital Currency Storage
Pascal Urien
Telecom ParisTech LTCI - University of Paris Saclay, Paris, France

11h00-11h30: Instant Payment Versus SmartPhone Payment : the big fight
Marc Pasquet
ENSICAEN, GREYC Laboratory Caen, France
Sylvie Gerbaix
Aix Marseille University, Montpellier Research in Management lab, Montpellier, France

11h30-12h00: On Blockchain Applications to Secure Network Control-Planes, invited talk
Nikola Bozic, Paris, France
Stefano Secci, Guy Pujolle
Sorbonne Universites, UPMC University Paris 6, France

12h00-13h15: Lunch, lobby dining room

13h30-14h30: Keynote1:Blockchain and CryptoMoney, towards IP money and Blockchain Computing

Marc Pasquet, ENSICAEN, GREYC Laboratory Caen, France
Pascal Urien, Telecom ParisTech & Saclay University, LTCI Laboratory, Paris, France.

The bitcoin digital currency was introduced in 2008 in a paper written by an anonymous author Satoshi Nakamoto.
In 2017 the bitcoin market is about 10 billion$. In 2013 Vitalik Buterin, defines a new blockhain system named Ethereum, which provides the Ether digital currency, also introduces Smart Contract, i.e. a decentralized application platform executing programs based on a Turing complete machine.
In 2017 the Ether market value is about one billion$.
This talk presents the basic concepts of bitcoin and ethereum blockchain system, and also discuss about emerging crypto moneys.

Marc PASQUET is full professor at ENSICAEN, France.
He obtained his Master degree from ENSAM (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts et Métiers) in 1977.
He worked for 13 years for different companies belonging to the signal transmission field and 15 years for the banking sector in the field of electronic payment.
He joined ENSICAEN (National Engineer School of Caen in France) in 2006 where he is now leading research in the field of secure electronic payment architecture.

Pascal Urien is full professor at Telecom ParisTech, and coFounder of the EtherTrust Company.
His main research interests include security and secure elements, especially for networks and distributed computing architectures.
He wrote about one hundred papers dealing with these topics and holds fifteen patents.

14h30-15h00: Ecosystems of Trusted Execution Environment on Smartphones - A Potentially Bumpy Road
Assad Umar, Raja Naeem Akram, Keith Mayes, and Konstantinos Markantonakis
Information Security Group, Smart Card Centre, Royal Holloway, University of London,Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey. United Kingdom

15h00-15h30: Investigating Clustering Algorithm DBSCAN to Self Select Locations for Power Based Malicious Code Detection on Smartphones
Bryan Dixon
Computer Science Department
California State University, Chico, California, USA

15h30-16h00: NFC-Based Ubiquitous Monitoring System For EIndustry
Lotfi Tamazirt, Farid Alilat
Faculty of Electronics and Computer Sciences
University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene Algiers, Algeria
Nazim Agoulmine
IBISC Laboratory
University of Evry val-d'essonne Evry, Paris, France

16h00-16h30: Break

16h30-17h00: Cyber Threat Information Sharing: A Category-Theoretic Approach
Jean Andrian
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Florida International University Florida, Miami
Charles Kamhoua, Kevin Kiat, Laurent Njilla
Air Force Research Laboratory
Cyber Assurance Branch
Rome, NY

17h00-17h30: k-Nearest Neighbours Classification Based Sybil Attack Detection in Vehicular Networks
Pengwenlong Gu, Rida Khatoun, Youcef Begriche, Ahmed Serhrouchni
LTCI, CNRS, TELECOM ParisTech, Universite Paris-Saclay, Paris, France

17h30-18h00: Enabling Enhanced Data Security for Aquaculture Management Services
Divya Piplani, Dinesh Kumar Singh, Rahul Sharma, M Aleembaig
Innovation Lab Mumbai
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd
Mumbai, MH, India

19h30: Social
Free for all registered participants.
Lola Restaurant & Grill
5555 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33140, États-Unis

Sunday February 12th 2017

8h30- Breakfast (Mangrove room)

9h15-10h15 Keynote: Public Cloud & Security Challenge by Dr Fouad Amine Guenane
Recently the “Cloud Security Spotlight Report” showed that “90 percent of organizations are very or moderately concerned about public cloud security.”
These concerns run the gamut from vulnerability to hijacked accounts to malicious insiders to full-scale data breaches.
Although cloud services have ushered in a new age of transmitting and storing data, many companies are still hesitant or make the move without a clear plan for security in place.
In this talk, we will discuss the more important security concerns and present some countermeasures.
About Dr Fouad Amine Guenane
Currently Manager Cloud at Beamap, Fouad intervenes as an expert in Cloud and security strategy on Private Cloud, Public or Hybrid projects.
Fouad has more than 8 years experience in IT, including 5 years on Cloud Computing technology and in particular the security aspects.
Dr Fouad Amine Guenane was the Research & Innovation Director of Devoteam group before joigning Beamap a Sopra Steria company.
He obtained a security and network engineering degree and was awarded as Phd in field of Cloud security at University Pierre et Marie Curie (France) on October 2014 directed by the Pr Guy Pujolle.
He has continued as a post-doctoral researcher at Telecom Paris Tech in collaboration with Pr Ahmed Serhrouchni and participate as an expert in different European and French security projects.
He has published different works in the field of network security, Security as a Service (SECAAS) and Networking in classified international conferences (Venezuela, Paris, Poland, South Korea, Canada, USA ... etc. ).
Fouad was invited as an expert in international summits such as Cloud World Forum MENA, Data Center Dynamics Converged Series, World Cloud Summit Mena.

10h30-11h00: Stronger Authentication for Password Credential Internet Services
Todd Booth and Karl Andersson
Division of Computer Science, Lulea University of Technology, 97187 Lulea, Sweden

11h00-11h30: Knowing the Ransomware and Building Defense Against it – Specific to HealthCare Institutes
Kanwalinderjit K Gagneja
Dept. of Computer Science & Information Technology
Florida Polytechnic University
Lakeland, USA

11h30-12h00: CoSINcheck to protect users from installing potentially harmful Android applications
Rabevohitra Feno Heriniaina
College of Software Engineering, Chongqing University
Chongqing, China

12h00-13h00: Lunch (lobby dining room)

13h15: End of the Conference

Important Dates

October 17th 2016 November 14th 2016 November 28th 2016 full and short papers submission deadline

November 14th 2016 December 12th 2016, Full/Short Papers Acceptance/Rejection notification

November 28th 2016 Work In Progress Papers deadline

December 12th 2016, Work in Progress (WIP) Papers Acceptance/Rejection notification


The goal of the "Conference on Mobile Applications, Security, and Services" is to explore the challenges, issues and opportunities both for academic researchers and industrial innovators.

We are looking for both research papers on new applications and presentations of deployment experiments or new business opportunities.

This conference aims to bring researchers and industrial experts together to discuss the latest frontiers of mobile technology and also novel applications that have not been thought of before.

In an always-on and everything connected context, mobile applications are more and more interacting with sensitive or personal resources hosted in cloud computing or Internet of Things infrastructure. As a consequence, security and trust are critical issues, and likely a prerequisite for the deployment of IoT frameworks.

Among other, the NFC technology enables communication in close proximity. With NFC mobiles surfacing the market so quickly, mobile operating systems are prepared for support with dedicated frameworks. This offers researchers and developers a great opportunity for getting quick traction with novel applications.

So far, the main close proximity enabled services deal with payment, access control, or ticketing. Commercial applications today mainly target mobile payments, or eTickets managed by transportation companies. The broad availability of communication technologies fertilizes research and development of novel applications and can go well beyond these intended applications.

The conference welcomes contributions addressing (but not limited to) the following topics:

Proximity communication technologies for mobile (NFC, Low Power Bluetooth,…), secure transactions over proximity communications;

Trust for mobile applications and services, Secure Elements, SIM frameworks; SecureSD, (including Google Vault) platforms; Single Wire Protocol (SWP); Trusted Service Manager (TSM); Secure over the air (OTA) services, Hardware Secure Module (HSM)

New mobile secure architectures. Host Card Emulation (HCE). Trusted Execution Environment (TEE).

New services and business perspectives New payment applications; Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay Services; secure tokenisation technologies; proximity communication for access control; automotive industry perspectives; applications for the consumer industry; applications for smart cities; Internet Of Things (IoT) new perspectives;

Mobile Applications for Social Networks.

Deployment experiments and testing IoT Platforms, payments, transport, ticketing, access control, couponing, macro localization (Tags).

MobiSecServ Conference